
MOTR, Ep. 88: With Friends Like Joe Biden, Israel Really Needs to Watch Its Back

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Last month, when Hamas barbarians attacked unarmed Israeli civilians so murderously and effectively, Joe Biden mouthed all the right words of total support for that longtime ally, the only democracy in the Middle East.

Since then, not so much.

People whose memory goes all the way back to the summer of 2021 will recall the lethal screw-up Biden caused executing the welcome withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. He did it his way, which was against the Pentagon's suggested way.

One midnight, like some psycho Cinderella morphing into a military coward, all U.S. troops dutifully followed the president's warped orders and disappeared from that godforsaken land.

No accommodations for evacuating civilian Americans or the thousands of Afghans who had mistakenly put their trust (and lives) in the foreigners' hands with two decades of loyal service. Predictably, with American forces running away, so did Afghan troops. The Taliban swept across the land, exerting its murderous restored reign along the way.

The ensuing panic and chaos proved deadly for hundreds, including 13 U.S. service members. Anticipating that disaster, the military was ready when Biden had to send thousands of troops back into the maelstrom. To this day, Biden calls that "an extraordinary success."

What is less well-known is that Biden ordered that abrupt midnight exit without informing the host government or any of the loyal NATO allies who had fought and died there with the U.S. since 2001.

That's how dear Joe Biden holds allies.

So, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his government, and his country's people could be excused in this bloody Gaza mess for fearing some kind of betrayal by the former football all-star, semi-truck driver, top of the law-school class, who happens to be U.S. president at the moment.

On Wednesday, Biden announced a pause in the Gaza fighting that no one else knew about.

There's a pattern here: For inexplicable reasons, the Barack Obama-Joe Biden administration went behind Israel's back to do that awful nuclear deal with Iran, Israel's mortal enemy. Biden is trying to resurrect something like it while releasing billions of dollars to the mullahs, who helped plan the Oct. 7 attack.

Now comes a changing tone from this White House, lecturing Israel on how to conduct its war because the left of Biden's own party cares more for Hamas.

That is this week's topic of discussion on the audio commentary. Comments are open below after you listen.

This week's column takes a look at the unfolding chaos in the campaigns for the 2024 nominations and elections. This long one is for the history books with its countless nuances and possible paths, each of which is confusing and open-ended. I try to bring some sense to it all.

The most recent audio commentary looks at the mountainous stupidity that reigns over our big urban areas ruled by Democrats, who thought Sanctuary City was just a virtuous political slogan. Since Joe Biden took office and began implementing his disastrous policies, more than 8.2 million illegal immigrants have flooded across the open southern border.

What do those empty mayors do when so many of those millions actually accept their sanctuary invitations? New York's Mayor Eric Adams is Exhibit A for such a klutz.

And, of course, the latest presidential impeachment gambit.


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