A Hollywood celebrity delivers a potent picture of left-wing lockdown.
But first, a few questions: Will the shutdown ever end? Will life ever be as before?
A COVID-19 vaccine’s upcoming, but how many will take it? And what will happen to those who refuse? What percentage of Americans will be required to accept the drug in order for a maskless world to once again be ours?
And, more generally, will government ever relinquish its until-recently unprecedented control?
It seems to me that American government rarely shrinks. Leaders across the country have had a taste of heightened authority; if the pandemic fades, how will select power-appreciative governors react to future foes? The next flu season? Or every one thereafter?
In California, hope isn’t on the horizon.
The state that never met a law it didn’t like is keeping things on the down low — with regard to quality of life.
In many ways, that was already the case; but the coronavirus brought a whole new level of legislative love.
And if you needed a view into what a major metropolis can be, look no further than one entertainer’s account.
Actor James Van Der Beek has moved his family eastward — to Austin, Texas.
The 43-year-old husband and father of five has reasons to start anew.
On Instagram Tuesday, he laid out lots:
“In the last ten months, we’ve had two late-term pregnancy losses, each of which put [Kimberly ] in the hospital, we spent Christmas break thinking she had a tumor (the doctor was wrong, thank god), I was prematurely booted off a reality dancing show I was favored to win in front of the whole world, and my mom died. And a shut-down. All of that led to some drastic changes in our lives, and dreams, and priorities… and landed us here. Overflowing with profound gratitude today.”
That’s a sound justification for change, but on October 7th, James described the state of things back in Beverly Hills.
Ladies and gentlemen, a bit of the good life…West Coast shut-down style:
“At the park in Beverly Hills near the house we just moved away from… you were not allowed to fly a KITE. Also not allowed at any park in #BeveryHills: Riding a bicycle, climbing a tree, throwing a ball against a cinder-block wall, learning anything from an instructor, using weights, cones or any type of pad, wearing cleats (even rubber ones), and you couldn’t use the batting cage built next to the baseball field. Not saying I need to fly a parachute with a fan strapped to my back like this guy… but when people ask why we’re moving our kids out of L.A. these are just some of the reasons. More to come…”
That kind of restriction isn’t the key to good health.
On the 12th, the new Texan wrote of freedom:
“When I was a kid, I used to think freedom would be finally having the things I’d dreamed of having. It wasn’t. Then I thought freedom would be having no attachment to anything. It wasn’t. Now, in the midst of a move to a new state 1500 miles from any place I’ve ever lived… I’m starting to feel like freedom is daring to love with all of your heart… and having the courage to put what you love first. I’m working on it…”
Commenters agreed, and politics made an appearance:
“Grew up in Connecticut and moved to Texas 15 years ago. Love it here. The only thing I don’t love are the hurricanes. Haven’t regretted my decision to move.”
“We left California after 30+ years in 2013. Packed it all up and moved to north Georgia. We still wonder what kept us in California for so long. We found our freedom here and hope each and every one of you do as well.”
“Don’t forget…. ‘Don’t California my Texas.'”
“You left the rabid left of California for the glorious free, red state of Texas. All we ask is that you leave your leftist politics in California.”
As for freedom, James is onto something. Maybe true freedom is…actual freedom.
And freedom is something of which we could all use more. In New York. And California. And everywhere in between.
Healthfully, of course.
Here’s to your health. And your liberty, amid the lockdown.
May we someday see the other side.
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Man Passes Gas in an Uber, Ends up Charged With Assault
Music Mogul Diddy Starts a New Black Political Party, Warns We Are ‘on the Verge of a Race War’
A Republican Governor Casts His Presidential Vote – for Ronald Reagan
Find all my RedState work here.
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