The two joined Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Dr. Charles Bernick of the Cleveland Clinic’s Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, at a Capitol Hill news conference. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Mark Kulaw, File)
Herschel Walker is not impressed.
Not with what he views as a lame tactic in the Democrats’ quest for minority mojo.
If you haven’t heard, on Wednesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a move toward slavery reparations.
In a statement, he confirmed government is by-design opposed to black people. And, he appeared to suggest, without race-based payment to some citizens by other citizens, the United States can never flourish:
“As a nation, we can only truly thrive when every one of us has the opportunity to thrive. Our painful history of slavery has evolved into structural racism and bias built into and permeating throughout our democratic and economic institutions.”
Therefore, Gavin’s created a nine-member task force. The purpose: to study slavery and investigate avenues for reparations.
Newsom wants to help everyone who isn’t white:
“[W]e won’t turn away from this moment to make right the discrimination and disadvantages that Black Californians and people of color still face.”
The idea’s gaining traction across the country, and Sports star Herschel shared his thoughts Thursday night on Fox News program The Story.
Speaking to anchor Martha MacCallum, the athletic anomaly said he was “upset.” The way he sees it, reparations is political bribery — and not to black America’s ultimate gain:
“I’m upset about it, because all they’re doing is pandering for a vote. … [W]hy are you paying African-Americans off instead of empowering African-Americans? [Democrats] don’t have an answer for what Donald Trump is saying…trying to empower African-Americans by putting jobs in those areas, by putting better education in those areas, by going out, putting small businesses, African-American-owned businesses in those areas. What they’re trying to do now is pander for a vote.”
Herschel also pointed out the confusion and complexity of forcibly transferring money between citizens — who’s to say who gets and who gives?
“[I]t is sad that they’re gonna say, ‘I’m gonna give you money.’ Who are you gonna to give the money to? … What about the white people that fought and freed you as a slave?”
The MMA man also managed a jab at Biden’s “You ain’t black” fiasco:
“Who is considered black? Only if you vote Democratic like Joe Biden said? And now you’ve got…Ms. Harris — who may be the vice president — who’s locked all the African Americans and the brown people up in jail, (and) now she’s talking about…reparations.”
Walker was wound up:
“Let’s get serious here. You don’t give people a job. Why don’t you teach ’em how to work? That’s what I wanna say — don’t give ’em a fish, you teach ’em how to fish. That’s what’s gonna make African Americans better, and I hope every African American wakes up…”
Meanwhile, he noted, Democrats “have these lawless cities, people are breaking the law.”
Martha asked about a Black Lives Matter organizer recently calling looting “reparations,” asserting businesses will be fine because they’re insured.
“You don’t know if they have riot insurance,” Herschel said, “’cause I’ve never heard of that.”
The Heisman winner agreed the notion of free cash may win over some, but the Donkey Party is scared — they can’t aptly challenge Trump’s appeal:
“[T]hey know that this president right now is starting to get some African Americans and also Hispanic Americans to come around and see what’s going on. … This President has done things for these communities that they didn’t do a long time ago.”
And Biden/Kamala? They had their shot:
“How can you ask former Vice President Biden to do anything for anyone when he had 47 years to have done this? He could’ve done this a long time ago. … How can you ask Kamala Harris — who could’ve changed the laws, she could’ve put a law in to change things, to give people better education, to do different things for people. They never did it.”
“This President,” by contrast, “has done almost everything he set out to do.”
Back to Gavin Newsom and his affirmation of structural racism, personally, I find it an odd confession: If you admit the system you lead is racist, then, it seems to me, you’re confessing you’re not worthy to lead. Who but a worthless leader would lead a racist system?
Either way, as for long-time leaders promising to fix America’s problems, Herschel’s not one to believe people who’ve been there, didn’t do that:
“Don’t keep telling me you’re gonna do it. You never [did] it.”
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