When you think of the two parties’ 2020 platforms, how would you frame the difference?
Self-identifying Republican political strategist Ana Navarro has thoughts, and she spilled ’em on Friday’s episode of The View.
According to Ana, Donald Trump offers just one thing: fear.
“The only thing Trump has to offer the American people is fear. That is what his campaign is sewing in the hearts of Americans,” Ana Navarro says reacting to Pres. Trump refusing to commit to a peaceful transition.
“This is another attempt at voter suppression.” pic.twitter.com/Zjs58Gbuxe
— The View (@TheView) September 26, 2020
The way she sees it, POTUS is hawking horror in multiple ways.
Joy Behar asked the guest co-host whether GOP voters will challenge the Commander-in-Chief’s expressed distrust of mail-in ballots.
In her own words:
“I think a lot of them are distancing themselves on this, at least, you know, one thing. Joy, it’s more of the same, okay? The only thing Trump has to offer the American people is fear. That’s what his campaign is sowing in the hearts of America — fear. Fear of lawlessness, fear of socialism, fear of ballots, fear of election results, fear of the transition.”
As relayed by The Daily Caller, Navarro believes the President’s trying to suppress the vote by “making Americans fearful of what will happen if he doesn’t get elected. … And…it’s not going to work.”
Castigating GOP-generated concern was an interesting choice.
As aired live, the Democratic National Convention was — the best I could tell — focused on how Trump was destroying the world.
Maybe Ana missed the last half-decade of warnings — that Trump’s a threat to our democracy, a raging racist, a woman-hater, committer of treason, destroyer of the environment, imprisoner of the innocent, and murderer in the making.
For anyone in need of catching up, here’s a start:
MSNBC Contributor Claims Trump’s ‘Crime Cult’ Wants to Commit Mass Murder
‘New York Times’ Reporter on MSNBC: Donald Trump Wants to Round Up People and Murder Them
Left-Wing Groups Warn of Election Violence From Conservatives
Expect violence from Trump supporters, maybe lots of it, both to disrupt voting on Election Day and in the days that follow. Is this overheated? So far Trump and his party have borne out every prediction by pessimists and made fools of optimists 5/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 23, 2020
If you aren’t terrified, you aren’t paying attention. But terror isn’t productive; you should be asking what you personally can do to save democracy, which is very much under threat 6/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 23, 2020
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with voting out of fear — you should beware what will hurt you or those you love.
The point of voting is to avoid “transitions” that are destructive.
As for socialism, we should all fear it, as it’s the loss of one’s ability to own a business. It creates a monopoly by way of the biggest business in history: government.
And perhaps voters who fear the Nazis’ favorite economic system do so not because of The Donald, but the definition.
Either way, if Ana’s interested in the silly pitching of panic, she might note Democrats’ likening of the President to dictators.
On The View, the Republican closed the segment…by likening the President to dictators.
Socialist ones:
“[I] fled totalitarianism. I fled communism in Nicaragua in 1980. Where I have heard this kind of talk — and where I have seen unelected and elected leaders try to perpetuate themselves in power — is in places like Cuba, where the Castros have been in power for over 60 years. In places like Venezuela with Hugo Chavez. In places like Nicaragua with Ortega. And with Somoza. It’s dictatorships that behave this way. It’s dictators that behave this way. And this is what Donald Trump is trying to emulate.”
That certainly sounds scary.
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