Are you concerned about chaos in the streets? If so, I have comforting news: Thursday night, D.C. police only arrested 41 people for rioting.
That’s right — not even four dozen. That’s virtually Mayberry numbers.
As reported by WJLA, the apprehensions — made by the District’s Special Operations Division — came following intentionally-set fires and destruction of property.
The police department confirmed on social media:
“Yes, MPD did make numerous arrests last night, but only of those that were engaged in rioting behaviors.”
It also pointed out:
“There is a difference between peaceful protestors & individuals destroying property or setting fires.”
According to WJLA, the protestors explained that they’re still up and at ’em to “let people know they are still here.”
There is a difference between peaceful protestors & individuals destroying property or setting fires. Yes, MPD did make numerous arrests last night but only of those that were engaged in rioting behaviors.
— DC Police Department (@DCPoliceDept) August 14, 2020
That sounds about right. Personally, I’m not sure it’s accurate to call them “Black Lives Matter” rioters.
As an organization™, despite the name, the offically-monikered group™ seems more interested in social revolution via dissolution of the nuclear family, sexual politics, and the promotion of Marxism.
But irrespective of that, at this point, the bunch in the streets appears to be revolting against not revolting. They sometimes chant “black lives matter,” but no one is disagreeing with them. The best I can tell — and I mean this sincerely — they’re mostly attempting chaos. Count that a success, but I can’t figure out what’s otherwise the mission.
One photo online revealed the graffiti message of “Gentrifiers Live Here.”
MPD announces arrests have been made in Felony Rioting & Assault on Police Officer offenses that occurred overnight.
Arrest info: https://t.co/DiOMycLiBO
Release: https://t.co/APQ2la5gky pic.twitter.com/YXTpHAUSsS
— DC Police Department (@DCPoliceDept) August 14, 2020
Regardless, police reported 41 arrests.
The DCPD made clear it “[facilitates] daily peaceful demonstrations,” but it has to put its foot down when people start burning and tearing up the joint.
The crimes were labeled “Felony Riot Acts and Assault on a Police Officer offenses.”
So when will there again be peace?
Since many rioters across the country don’t appear to have specific, doable goals, why would they stop?
Perhaps the unrest is now just the party of the summer — it’s the place to be, and in some areas, people can’t be much elsewhere anyway.
So what might cool down black-outfitted revolutionaries holding public streets hostage but with no demands? I only know of one thing: Weather.
Whether I’m right, I guess we’ll see.
As for now, 41 rioters have been taken into custody.
But I’d bet money they’re already — or very soon to be — Back in Black.
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