The J.K. Rowling saga continues.
In December, the author found herself in hot water by some after asserting on social media that “sex is real.”
From there, she suggested “people who menstruate” are called women, and it’s just been a huge mess.
As at least used to be the case with Harry Potter, enjoy the whole series:
J.K. Rowling Keeps Gunning in the Aftermath of Her Transgender-Jostling ‘Sex is Real’ Insistence
Over the course of the above, she’s lost some fans.
As a gay man that found safety in Hogwarts throughout my childhood – knowing that Trans people wouldn’t be able to have that safety breaks my heart.
— Shahmir Sanni (@shahmiruk) December 19, 2019
One person still with her: 56-year-old Gillian Philip.
As reported by The Herald Scotland, Gillian’s an author who — among others — has written under the name Erin Hunter for popular kids’ animal fantasy series Warrior Cats, Bravelands, and Surivors.
She went to bat for J.K.:
Philip, who has penned a popular series of books for eight-to-12-year-olds, added the hashtag #IStandWithJKRowling to her Twitter handle.
That turned out to be unacceptable.
As per The Herald, she took a great deal of criticism online. Furthermore, her employer, Working Partners — “a fiction packaging firm which devises series for publishing houses and commissions” — received emails of complaint.
She was accused of being “transphobic.”
Here’s more from the Daily Mail:
After Ms. Philip received sexualised abuse and deaths threats from the trans lobby, she tweeted ‘Bring it on, homophobes and lesbian-haters’ – which only inflamed the situation.
Resultantly, Gillian’s publisher cut ties with her.
Within 24 hours, James Noble, managing editor of Working Partners, replied to the barrage of complaints saying: ‘The worlds created by Erin Hunter are meant to be inclusive for all readers and we want to let you know that Gillian Philip will no longer be writing any Erin Hunter novels.’
Free Speech Union Founder Toby Young, condemned the decision:
“Every day, people’s livelihoods are being destroyed and their names dragged through the mud because they’ve said something others disagree with. Anyone who challenges the view of these activists is immediately targeted for cancellation.”
And Gillian issued a statement:
“I am disappointed that the hard work and professional attitude I have brought to my work for HarperCollins and for Working Partners counted for nothing in the face of an abusive mob of anonymous Twitter trolls.”
Cancel culture is eating the world. Do you believe women are people who menstruate? Or do you “stand with” someone who does? If so, it appears, you could be next.
Meanwhile, J.K. appears to be sticking to her guns. Her reported net worth of $1 billion probably helps her position.
For those worth less than a bil, it might be more difficult to make their way. Until, that is, all those within cancel culture are canceled.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Foul Bawl? The Cleveland Indians Toss Around a Name Change
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