Actress Rose McGowan has an idea: Authorities should arrest Bill Clinton.
As you may well know, Ghislaine Maxwell — who allegedly helped procure underage girls for late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein — was recently taken into custody.
Rose has Step 2 in mind, and she tweeted it out Friday:
“Now get Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.”
She paired that with a photo of Ghislaine, Jeffrey, and #MeToo favorite Harvey Weinstein.
Now get Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew pic.twitter.com/7CLn5nLTiV
— rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) July 3, 2020
In case you’re trailing the caboose on the Ghislaine train, here’s RedState’s Bonchie from July 3rd with more:
Jeffrey Epstein’s lieutenant, Ghislaine Maxwell, has finally been arrested after nearly 25 years of suspicion by law enforcement. Why it took this long is a question that will have to be answered as the facts unfold. Maxwell is accused of not only recruiting women in a sex trafficking scheme, but of participating in rapes herself.
Maxwell’s role was apparently to “coach” these women she would recruit. Maxwell was also present for many of the rapes that took place at the hands of Epstein.
[A] woman currently known as Jane Doe is one of eight women being represented by Attorney Jordan Merson. He says he has corroborated Doe’s story with her grandparents, who helped keep the woman hidden after Maxwell threatened to have her killed if [she] ever talked.
The socialite was apprehended by the FBI less than a year after Jeffrey himself was arrested.
According to prosecutors — as per Fox News — “Epstein preyed on ‘dozens’ of victims as young as 14.”
So where does Bill Clinton fit into the story?
As per The Daily Wire:
Flight records indicate that former President Bill Clinton flew aboard the “Lolita Express” — Epstein’s private plane — when underage girls were present, and sometimes without his Secret Service detail. In a statement, Bill Clinton emphatically denied ever knowing about the 66-year-old hedge fund manager’s terrible crimes.
Here’s the former president’s official response:
President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York. In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane: one to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation. Staff, supporters of the foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip. He had one meeting with Epstein in his Harlem office in 2002, and around the same time made one brief visit to Epstein’s New York apartment with a staff member and his security detail. He’s not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and he has never been to Little St. James Island, Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico, or his residence in Florida.
Back to Rose, she stands alone among many from #MeToo: Where accusations are concerned, she appears unencumbered by politics.
In fact, in April, McGowan tweeted the following:
“I used to be a proud Democrat. I used to be a proud American. I would’ve died for this…country and its ideals. I was raised to be a proud Democrat. … [I] thought democracy meant…I had a right to choose those who lined up with my value system. But what if there’s no one? And I was always told it was the Democratic Party that were the good guys, that our papers were @nyt and @wahingtonpost and we as a family loved listening to @allthingsconsidered… But now I know too much. And I feel really quite a sense of loss tonight. I’m not a cynical person, but…Republicans have always been painted as the bad guys, and I’ve always seen them more as a cult, but now I realize so are the Democrats and the media. Macro and micro. This is deeper than a cover-up…”
[Language Warning]
I’m really sad, and I’m really tired. I normally share thoughts, but tonight it’s emotion. pic.twitter.com/mhtaoW6dTd
— rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) April 29, 2020
As for the movement in general, she’s one of the few voices left. The news cycle has long moved on, and with it, so have most of those who for a moment sat squarely on the issue.
But I guess it’s like they say — a Rose is a Rose. She’s still talking about the same things, despite newer, more fashionable causes.
As for Clinton, will he face overwhelming investigative scrutiny? I’d say it’s less than likely.
Either way, something tells me Rose isn’t done speaking out.
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State University Memo Suggests Combatting Racism Will Now Be a Condition for Enrollment
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