Move over, kneeling — now there’s something meatier.
Or, at least, more involved.
On Sunday, something unusual took place.
During a discussion on race among Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, Pastor Louie Giglio, and Christian rapper Lecrae at Atlanta’s Passion City Church, Dan encouraged white people to repent of their racism.
As reported by The Buck Sexton Show, the son of chicken-chain founder S. Truett Cathy signaled a call to non-melanated America:
“We as caucasians, until we’re willing to just pick up the baton and fight for our black, African-American brothers and sisters — which they are as one human race — we’re shameful. We’re just adding to it.”
Chick-Fil-A CEO:
White People Should Shine Blacks’ Shoes to Show ‘Sense of Shame,’ ‘Embarrassment’ for Racism pic.twitter.com/A2Utbc0a2t
— Gabe Hoffman (@GabeHoff) June 18, 2020
He clobbered cluelessness and quiet:
“Most of us white people, we’re out-of-sight-out-of-mind oblivious to it. We cannot let this moment pass. Our silence is so huge at this time. We cannot be silent. Somebody has to fight, and God has so blessed our city. But it’s shameful how we let things get so out of whack.”
Dan recalled a story he’d once heard about a revival in Texas:
“[I]n the front seat was an older African-American man that was sitting there. And this young man got up that was there in that service, and he’d been so gripped with conviction about the racism that was in that local community in a small town in Texas that he took a shoe brush.”
Do people bring shoe brushes to church?
“And he walked over to this elderly gentleman and he knelt on his knees and began to shine his shoes.”
That service got emotional:
“And tears began to flow at that service. It was an attitude of conviction.”
Then the nation’s waffle-fry wizard issued instruction:
“So I invite folks just to put some words to action here. And if we need to find somebody that needs to have their shoes shined, we need to just go right on over and shine their shoes.”
We don’t really live in a world of shiny shoes, but Dan said you can improvise.
It raises a plethora of possibilities — how about scrubbing (or scratching?) your pal’s Pumas? Or a bit of micro-abrasion for a sandal-sportin’ special someone? Or consider buffing that compadre’s corns.
“And whether they got tennis shoes on or not — maybe they got sandals on — it really doesn’t matter. “
“But there’s a time at which we need to have some personal action here,” he explained. “[I] bought about 1,500 of these (shoe brushes), and I gave them to all our Chick-fil-A operators and staff a number of years ago. ”
What unfolded onstage was, some might say, an awkward moment.
Dan walked over to Lecrae and went to town.
Then came a hug.
Mr. Cathy summed it up:
“So any expressions of a contrite heart, of a sense of humility, a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment, begin with an apologetic heart.”
At least we now have another route to reconciliation. Still, I’d guess most people don’t want folks messing with their shoes.
But maybe I’m wrong.
We certainly need to find unity, and the world could use a lot more humility.
For all you pale patriots: Are you out of practice at putting aside your pride?
Time to brush up.
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