Surprise: A Hollywood left-winger is calling out a Democratic politician for her hypocrisy.
On Thursday, RedState’s Sister Toldjah covered Tucker Carlson’s grilling of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand over her sexual assault double standard. When Bret Kavanaugh was accused — with no proof he’d ever even met Christine Blasey Ford — Democrats insisted he couldn’t be confirmed to the nation’s highest court. But now, as for Joe Biden and Tara Reade, there’s nothing to see here.
ST wrote:
[Aspiring female Democratic VP nominees’] reversals on “believing all women” have nothing to do with having a principled change of heart. More to the point, their hypocrisy demonstrates how their “believing” primarily boils down to how and if it can advance their political ambitions.
Failed 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who has long fancied herself as a champion of women’s rights, is another one who can be added to the list of VP hopefuls who have thrown #BelieveAllWomen under the bus.
In 2018, Kirsten stood against Bret and for Christine; but as for Tara Reade — to quote Bugs Bunny — “What’s all the hubbub, bub?”
Here’s Kirsten now:
“[Tara] has come forward, she has spoken. And they’ve done an investigation in several outlets. … Vice President Biden has vehemently denied these allegations, and I support Vice President Biden.”
Incidentally, when did the definition of “investigation” evolve from something performed by the FBI to “outlets” serving up articles?
Moving on, aside from Kavanaugh, compared to her position on charges against Joe Biden, Kirsten also sang a different tune during #MeToo regarding Democratic then-Senator Al Fanken.
You’ll no doubt remember that — as I wrote previously — Al resigned “from his senate seat in 2017 amid allegations of forcibly kissing talk-show host Leeann Tweeden and the damnation of a 2006 pre-Congress photo of him mockingly groping her as she slept.”
In December 0f 2017, Kirsten called upon the congressman to vacate his seat. As per National Review, she “forced his resignation.”
But that’s old news, and maybe consistency’s not Gillibrand’s thing.
Such an assertion’s being made on social media, and from an unlikely source — comedienne Sarah Silverman.
Sarah burned Kirsten on Twitter.
In Tucker’s Wednesday coverage, he included a clip of the congresswoman claiming Kavanaugh should’ve insisted he himself be investigated by the FBI.
In light of that — it appears — and given Kirsten’s “I support Vice President Biden” stance, Sarah wrote:
“But you called on @alfranken to resign w/out the ethics investigation HE asked for??“
But u called on @alfranken to resign w/out the ethics investigation HE asked for??
Kirsten Gillibrand on Tara Reade allegation: 'I support Vice President Biden' – CNNPolitics https://t.co/sUm4oYN44j
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) April 29, 2020
Sarah isn’t known for her conservative politics. When your contradictions are so enormous they garner criticism from those on your own side, you should recognize they’re more than obvious to the rest of the world.
But this is politics in 2020. And maybe it’s always been politics.
Particularly due to an apparently immense medical issue, the Democrats have a terrible candidate. Trump will eat that guy alive. And some Dems are circling their wagons, protecting their guy by any means necessary.
Any means, including stunning hypocrisy.
As for absurdity approaching the election, I believe it’s gonna get worse before it gets better.
Stay tuned for more.
See 3 more pieces from me:
‘Good Morning America’ Reporter Gets Caught With His Pants Down – On Live Television
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