On Thursday, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Sean Duffy popped in over at CNN to talk about the “bad” move of Democrats’ Impeachment Mania.
On the Alisyn Camerota-hosted New Day, Sean laid it out alongside former Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent.
Amid the House’s pursuit of two articles of impeachment, Sean told Alisyn the country’s not a fan:
“I think we’re having an American conversation about, does this meet the threshold for impeachment? And what I see in Wisconsin, and I’ve seen polling in Charlie’s state of Pennsylvania, this is dropping like a lead balloon — America’s support for impeachment.”
But to Alisyn, polls indicating the nation’s lack of support are “too sketchy” to meet CNN’s standards. Plus, they’re courtesy of a “Republican polling firm.”
Sean — who’s a Cable News Network contributor himself — pointed out that the Democrats “were trying to impeach the President” way before “any phone call was made to Ukraine.”
He ain’t just whistling Dixie — they seemed set on that as soon as the votes were tallied, if not before.
“We know Democrats from Schiff to Nadler, some of the lead players in this, were trying to impeach the president, even before any phone call was made to Ukraine. And that’s — that does not bolster the credibility of Democrats.”
Right. But their timing is strange — from the moment Trump was elected, the opposition party appeared scrambling to try to find an Undo button and push that thing like it was going outta of style. But here we are, nearly three-quarters of the way through — so far away from 2016 that it’s imperative they focus on the coming election — and instead, they’re spending time, energy, and resources on trying to go back in time when the future is here.
It’s a classic mistake — obsess over what was and miss what could be. But I don’t recall ever seeing it done this foolishly in politics.
Sean thinks the Dems have no credibility:
“You’re saying you’re looking for an opportunity to impeach the President, and you’ve been looking for it since he was elected. And so you don’t have the credibility on this issue.”
But Alisyn asked: Is the congressman cool with our Commander-in-Chief calling on foreign governments to investigate political rivals?
Judge for yourself:
“[If there are more] Joe and Hunter Biden scenarios, the President should make sure we investigate it.”
He also raised and saw, with this:
“Should we have more Democrats trying to impeach a president over what we’ve all heard through this phone call? I don’t think we should. I don’t think Americans like it.”
Sean bottomlined it:
“This is bad for Democrats.”
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