One thing I appreciate about President Trump is that he appears to have a sense of humor. And on Friday, it was in full force.
During a Small Business Roundtable at ol’ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, The Donald brought up the fact that the Environmental Protection Agency recently dialed back its restriction on light bulbs.
Speaking of — in California, I’m afraid we’re gonna get regulated back to kerosene.
Returning to Trump, in addition to the fact that maximally-efficient bulbs are high-dollar and complicated in the way of disposal, they also have a particular effect on his look. And that matters, because he’s vain:
“They got rid of the light bulb that people got used to — the new bulb is many times more expensive. And I hate to say it — it doesn’t make you look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that’s very important to me.”
Then came the goodness:
“Like, it gives you an orange look. I don’t want an orange look. Has anyone noticed that? So we will have to change those in at least a couple of rooms where I am in the White House.”
Have you noticed the President hasn’t been nearly as amber for quite a while?
What changed?
Could it be that the media got tired of a color-adjustment free-for-all in order to play up “Orange Man Bad”? Or did the Leader of the Free World finally accept that, though beta-carotene is good for the skin, you have to eat the carrot, not juice it as lotion?
Either way, Trump’s joke got laughs.
As covered by RedState’s Elizabeth Vaughn, the Commander-in-Chief made a similar self-jab in September while speaking at a Republican retreat:
"The light's no good, I always look orange."@realDonaldTrump jokes about his skin tone at the GOP Member's Retreat in Baltimore. pic.twitter.com/PUR5ObYBhk
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 13, 2019
Enjoy the great videos above.
Really, given Trump’s peculiar pigment since he declared his candidacy, he should’ve gotten a lot more credit from the identity politics crowd; and that whole white supremacy thing? Impossible.
After all — as we’ve all heard — orange is the new black.
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