On Sunday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman (and recent RedState favorite) Adam Schiff told CNN’s Jake Tapper that…
…My writing was just interrupted by laughter as I prepare to type this…
Adam said that, if the Democrats don’t move forward with impeachment, the President will only commit “more egregious acts.”
I so wish Washington could grab the Absurdity knob and give it a considerable counter-clockwise spin; but something tells me that’s not going to happen.
Therefore, Dems are tasked with standing up for the nation and trying to pwevent that wascewwy Twump from weaking wots of havoc upon the wounded world.
Despite impeachment losing support in key swing states like Wisconsin (here) — as pointed out by Jake — Adam chooses not to believe it’s true:
“The public support for impeachment has grown fairly dramatically in the last two months.”
Plus — in an election year, why worry about something as unimportant as voter approval:
“Whether it is now essentially at a plateau or whether it will continue to grow or shrink, I don’t think it is really the question we should be asking.”
It’s all about a duty to prevent Darth Vader — I mean, Donald Trump — from destroying the galaxy:
“If there is not some deterrent, even if it doesn’t mean that the Republicans provide the kind of support for the Constitution that they should, if there isn’t some deterrent, we can darn well be sure this president will commit even more egregious acts in the months ahead.”
Egregious, like winning the election? He’s bound to do that because of impeachment, not in spite of it.
When you attack, you galvanize your enemy.
But he’s going for the Ultimate Victory — in his own words, he’ll send “charlatan Trump” a-packin’.
Adam’s party appears to be standing by their man. He’s come under great fire as of late; yet, so far, the Dems seem to think their Schiff doesn’t stink.
But the smell of a continued partisan crusade to evict America’s most powerful tenant isn’t likely to sit (or age) well, as we continue to watch the Democrats lead the way to their own 2020 defeat.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Reverend Franklin Graham: The Democrats’ Drive to Impeach the President is ‘Demonic’
Texas Homeowner is Faced with an Armed Robber, Takes the Crook’s Gun Away and Shoots Him with It
Posted at 7:28 pm on November 21, 2019 by Alex Parker
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