Ben Carson’s doubled down on his assertion that men identifying as women shouldn’t be staying at battered women’s shelters.
Last week, the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary got slammed by Democrats for his reported statement during a private meeting that “transgender people should get the same rights as everyone else, but they don’t get to change things for everybody else.”
Purportedly, Dr. Ben also claimed women’s groups and shelter administrators said they don’t want “big, hairy men” staying there.
In response, some Dems called for Carson to be fired.
Evidently, they’re really into the whole “get rid of Republicans in office” thing.
As reported by The Daily Wire, Kamala Harris had this to say:
“Shameful. These derogatory comments by Secretary Carson are part of a long pattern that shows his disregard for the transgender community. It’s simply unacceptable.”
Julián Castro — who believes men can get pregnant, so long as the conception isn’t disrupted by racist weather — went after the doctor, too:
“19 Black trans women have been killed this year because comments like Ben Carson’s normalize violence against them. As HUD Secretary, I protected trans people, I didn’t denigrate them.”
19 Black trans women have been killed this year because comments like Ben Carson’s normalize violence against them.
As HUD Secretary, I protected trans people, I didn’t denigrate them.https://t.co/yibDnZAypj
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) September 20, 2019
But on Friday night, Ben told Tucker Carlson he never suggested people who identify as the opposite sex don’t have rights, just that they don’t have more rights than anyone else:
“I simply pointed out the fact that, you know, we have to have policies that take into consideration everybody’s rights. I say everybody has equal rights; nobody gets extra rights.”
Furthermore, as relayed by LifeSite News, he’s on the side of the women at the shelters:
“I talked about some of the women’s groups who have come to me, and I’ve had many in my office, and they say they are uncomfortable with the policy in existence, which says you must accept a person’s designation of their gender regardless of their physical characteristics. What we’ve decided to do, first of all we’ve upheld the 2012 equal access law; we have no intention of changing that, but in terms of that broad definition of gender being whatever you say it is, we said we’re going to leave that to the local jurisdictions.”
The brain surgeon’s in favor of letting the locals use their own brains:
“If you have a women’s shelter and you’ve been operating well, you get to decide how you’re going to run it, the federal government doesn’t need to be telling people who is a man and who is a woman. That’s a decision they can make by themselves.”
Ben’s received complaints from shelters about men, but no suggested fixes from those potentially dejected by his position:
“And I quoted a group that came to me, and they were very upset, and they said, you know, ‘A big hairy man came in here and he says he’s a woman, and that upsets us because many of us are trying to escape that.’ But the political correctness says, ‘You have to say what we want you to say,’ and that will destroy freedom of speech. And I’ve offered transgender groups the opportunity to let me know what their solution would be so that everybody’s rights are observed. I haven’t heard one peep.”
The world’s sure getting more complicated. Nowadays, if you open a women’s shelter, you can’t even get past step 1: establishing what a woman is.
If things had always been this way, I bet the YMCA never woulda got off the ground.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
A Hit-Making Music Star Announces He’s No Longer A Man
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