So far as I can tell, we’re at a place where the mere showing or mentioning of a particular thing is considered condemnation of it in some way.
I haven’t quite figured it all out, but that’s the way it appears.
Therefore, a new cologne ad which, seemingly, positively portrays traditional American Indian culture — has been pulled due to its “racism.”
That would be, racism: The judgement of someone solely based on their race.
If you can connect the dots here, please do so in the Comments section.
Regardless, the commercial — starring Johnny Depp — is toast.
As reported by Fox News, brand Dior pulled its commercials for the $150 cologne “Sauvage” Friday. The campaign couldn’t even make it 24 hours before the outrage mob canceled it:
Early Friday night, the French luxury giant started wiping “We are the Land” teaser videos of the “authentic journey deep into the Native American soul,” which was set for release Sept. 1 from Twitter and Instagram after widespread backlash online. Beyond the imagery, many were upset by the language used by the campaign.
The ad could be said to be hilarious — in the way many cologne promotions are — in that it’s a ridiculously ethereal and pretentious way of saying, “Put this juice on you, and you won’t stink.” But that’s the cologne biz.
In addition to all that, is it offensive?
Dior Sauvage Parfum, 2019 – new commercial starring Johnny Depp 🔥😍#DiorSauvage #JohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/Stgz0zssFi
— MadDepphead (@deppsvideos) August 28, 2019
Wait — here’s something: “Sauvage,” according to some, means “savage.” AHA.
Maybe the outrage mob isn’t so dumb after all.
Consider this:
Depp, who has been repping Sauvage since 2015, is the voice in the video that shows a woman wearing a wolf skin and###
“‘Sauvage’ is the word the racist mobs were screaming when they stoned Mohawk civilians during the Oka crisis,” one user tweeted. https://t.co/vJBz33u4Mi
— kp norton (@sirkentnorton) August 31, 2019
People on Twitter had a lot to say:
It should be noted that that isn’t an employed stereotype; it’s a featured component of history. A stereotype would be something which characterizes all members of a group.
I don’t care who you consulted. This is blatantly racist. The event and the ad do not honor Native Americans. It pushes harmful stereotypes. #Sauvage can be interpreted as uncivilized, barbarous, untamed. Look it up in ANY dictionary. It is a racist term! #NOThonored
— Aaron Yazzie (@YazzieSays) August 31, 2019
As for the word, one user made a correction:
With all due respect, it is you with the stereotype.
Sauvage is French for “Wild”…not “Savage”.
Also, I was a crew member on this commercial…it was completely authentic, and blessed by the native UTE Indians. If you don’t like the ad, that’s fine, but it was not racist !!— Mike (@mc_focuspuller) August 31, 2019
That sounds right.
In fact, Johnny gives the word a French pronunciation.
Some loved the ad:
In a statement to Fox Business, Dior explained its intent:
The Parfums Christian Dior project is a part of AIO’s Advance Indigeneity Campaign to change the misperceptions about Native Americans, to share accurate American history, to build awareness about Native Americans as contemporary peoples and to promote Indigenous worldviews.. AIO supports Native American art, films, books, and other forms of Indigenous pop culture. Through the Advance Indigeneity Campaign, AIO continues to work at an international level with schools and universities to build innovative curriculum for and by Native peoples. We are very proud of this collaboration with AIO on the new ad campaign for Sauvage.”
Well, guess we’re back to dumb.
Will the outrage mob respond with, “Oh. We’re goobs”?
I’d say their capacity for capitulation stinks.
Maybe it could use some juicy Sauvage.
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