Yo’ve seen it all before: Someone runs for President and starts to teach America about itself.
Beto O’Rourke wants all of you to know about all of you; and a lot of you, as it turns out, are racist.
At Saturday night’s Third Annual Clinton Dinner in Little Rock, Arkansas, Beto said…
Well, actually, let’s look at some other things he’s said up ’til now.
From “Beto O’Rourke Assigns Blame For The El Paso Shooting“:
Asked about President Trump's rhetoric in relation to the El Paso mass shooting attack, El Pasoan and Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke says, "Yes … he is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country … and it leads to violence." pic.twitter.com/XDj8ChKlcU
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) August 4, 2019
From “Communist Revolutionary: Privileged Millionaire Beto Vows To Destroy America’s Wealth & Privilege“:
Beto — who inherited millions and married into half a billion — promised to get rid of…himself.
The unprecedented concentration of wealth, power and privilege in the United States must be broken apart. Opportunity must be fully shared with all. We must all have the opportunity to succeed. Together. As one country.
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) March 30, 2019
22 people in my hometown are dead after an act of terror inspired by your racism. El Paso will not be quiet and neither will I. https://t.co/dakFPKj0vJ
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 7, 2019
Recently, he let you know what’s good enough for ya:
“There have even been some who suggested that I stay in Texas and run for Senate. But that would not be good enough for this community. That would not be good enough for El Paso. That would not be good enough for this country.”
So only he is good enough for you.
And what’s good enough for you is for you to be told you’re racist.
Our country was founded on racism—and is still racist today. In Arkansas, I said why I believe there’s no denying this reality; and why it’s on all of us to change it. pic.twitter.com/cHLKmCMGEB
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 18, 2019
So let me get this straight… Let’s assume for a moment that Beto’s referring to racism against non-whites by white people.
If true, that means here’s his plan to snag the Oval Office:
Tell the minority of people they’re being unjustly attacked by A-holes. Tell the majority they’re the A-holes.
Does that sound like a good approach to getting a winning number of votes?
Maybe it is.
I guess we’ll find out.
It seems to be working for him — so far, he might have at least 3%.
Good goin’.
How can this message fail? https://t.co/vRCITpxpVE
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 18, 2019
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