First of all, in case you missed it (and I think you did), please check out an incredible story indicating just how insane the world has gotten. And is going:
Now more left-wing silliness…
A momentum-gaining petition is asking the merciful Powers That Be to really stick it to the man America elected: Over 275,000 signatures now bolster the changing of the street on which Trump Tower is located to “President Barack H. Obama Avenue.”
The MoveOn.org action reads:
“Rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower: ‘President Barack H. Obama Avenue.'”
I suppose it makes sense — as we’ve learned from social justice warriors, words are violence. Pronouns are the New Persecution. If orange is the new black, incidental is the new substantial.
Take the most significant thing in the world; now lower its profundity by 99.999%. #SameThing. So naming a street is really sockin’ it to the voters and decimating the opposition. Total destruction accomplished.
The petition’s addressed to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who wants to forcibly take a bunch of money from people he doesn’t favor and give it to those he wants to have it (here). It includes an explanation of why Barack deserves the road in front of Satan’s Lair:
The City of Los Angeles recently honored former President Barack Obama by renaming a stretch of the 134 Freeway near Downtown L.A. in his honor. We request the New York City Mayor and City Council do the same by renaming a block of Fifth Avenue after the former president whose many accomplishments include: saving our nation from the Great Recession; serving two completely scandal-free terms in office; and taking out Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind September 11th, which killed over 3,000 New Yorkers.
Right — didn’t you hear? Barack took out bin Liden. He parachuted right in there and took care of business like a boss.
But as for the “scandal-free” part, some would take issue (here and here).
Short list (as compiled by The Daily Wire):
- The IRS’s targeting of the Tea Party
- Fast and Furious
- Dishonesty about the Iran Deal
- Benghazi and its subsequent spin
- The VA scandal
- The biggest data breach in Washington’s history at the Ofice of Personnel Management
But hey — when it comes to political posturing, don’t think about the words coming out of your mouth; just say stuff. You’re already right — it’s magic!
The petition was begun by LA resident Elizabeth Rowin. She laid out her thinking to CBS News:
“I thought, ‘[A comedian’s joke online was] a great idea and probably no one is going to do anything about it,’ so I decided to do it. … I really didn’t think there was a chance that it could happen. … I think it would be fabulous. I think people feel kind of helpless right now, and it’s a way to troll [President Trump]. If he does hear about it, maybe it would slow him down and distract him.”
Being made aware of a petition will slow down and distract an eccentric who relentlessly pursued the creation of a global empire, then the White House…and won in both cases? Fat chance. But maybe not — magic!
Bonus: For some reason, it seems a common style among some Democrats to talk as if conservatives don’t actually exist — notice “people feel kind of helpless right now.” That’d be a No. People who voted for Hillary may feel helpless; but “people” are comprised in part by millions who went the other way.
Speaking of going the other way, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson thinks perhaps the street-naming isn’t the best idea:
“I’m pretty confident we can find a better way to honor the greatest president of my lifetime than by trolling the worst president of my lifetime.”
Maybe so.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
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The American Psychological Association Creates A Task Force To Promote Polyamorous Relationships
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