The next time you talk to the Man Upstairs, please know that — at least some of the time — he’s a trans man at best: Rev. Thomas Brown has declared that God is a woman.
Nice try, misogyny.
Having been consecrated on June 22, the bishop — who is gay and married to a fellow priest — referred to the Creator of the Universe as a “She” twice in the Nicene Creed shortly following.
Our Rector and his wife traveled to Maine this weekend to be present for the consecration of Thomas Brown as bishop of that diocese. The bishop is the 2nd openly gay diocesan in TEC. pic.twitter.com/rUKLk9WpPX
— St. Stephen’s Charleston (@StStephenchs) June 24, 2019
Here’s a quote about the Holy Spirit:
“She is worshipped and glorified. She has spoken through the Prophets.”
In case you’re unfamiliar, the Nicene Creed is over 1,600 years old and (usually) refers to God as “He.”
But “usually” can take a hike:
Thomas did also, it should be noted, refer to God as “He” in parts of the Creed.
So what’s this new bishop all about? According to his resume, he’s about this:
“[Being a] servant leader who strives for justice among all people and who continues to address white privilege, dismantle racism, and work for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the Body of Christ.”
The religious landscape sure is changing.
And as an usher of that change, Thomas will fight against white prosperity and declare God as a She, then go home to his husband, Father Tom Mousin, who — when they met — was the pastor of a United Methodist Church.
The UMC has failed to officially endorse gay ministers (see my coverage here), but Episcopalians ain’t playin’ — for more in the way of pious pronoun progress, look no further than my article from last July, “The Episcopal Church Eyes Giving God A Sex Change.”
And have no fear, woke worshippers: Methodists probably aren’t too far behind: “United Methodist Church Holds Drag Show To Protest Same-Sex Marriage Ban.”
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
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