You may have caught the viral video of Dion Cini’s skirmish with activist, writer, and thespian Indya Moore earlier this month.
Indya’s a man identifying as a woman.
Dion’s a man identifying as a Trump supporter.
Here’s what went down: Dion had his bicycle and a custom-made $250 Trump 2020 sign set up on the sidewalk across the street from Trump Tower. Indya’s not a fan, so when he walked by, he decided to stomp on Dion’s bendable sign and folded bike.
The dude then looked as if he was just gonna take off with the sign.
Apparently referencing the television show in which he acts — FX’s Pose — Indya strangely remarked something to the effect of, “You guys are fans of my show and we don’t want you to be fans.”
Dion sprung into action to retrieve his property, but Indya wouldn’t let go.
People got between ’em before things got too out of hand, but for a bit, there was a serious physical fight escalating. Dion got in some major shoves, and Indya knocked off the Trump man’s red MAGA visor.
Cops got involved.
Some online observers framed the incident as an assault on Indya by a — say it ain’t so — white man. A “deranged” one, that is:
Police intervened after the white man with a @RealDonaldTrump #MAGA hat started shoving #Black people & screaming. #LGBTQ https://t.co/BbSXA3J1VH
— LGBTQ Nation (@lgbtqnation) June 10, 2019
JustJared called it an attack, despite acknowledging that Indya tried to commit theft.
"Pose" actress Indya Moore was attacked after trying to take a Trump supporter's sign and the moment was captured on video https://t.co/ThR06aWaAp
— JustJared.com (@JustJared) June 10, 2019
Others thought JJ needed some correcting:
Accurate headline: “An actress you’ve never heard of, from a bullshit show you’ve never watched, took property out of another adult’s hands and proceeded to stomp on it while recording video to score internet woke points…then decides she is the victim.”
— Mayor of Flavortown (@JTFC_TM) June 10, 2019
If you missed the melee, check it out now:
In the aftermath, Dion filed larceny charges.
Indya tweeted from the disposition of a persecuted minority:
“Thank you for loving my community, fighting for us, supporting us fight for ourselves and others who are experiencing an increase of oppression and violence under this current administration.”
Now Dion — who’s been regularly demonstrating in favor of Trump for the past two years — is speaking out about the dustup.
Enjoy his interview with The Daily Caller below. In it, he expresses his thoughts about the framing of the altercation and standing up for oneself.
As a point of interest, Indya’s been featured at RedState before. I covered his comments on gender and sex in February.
The article’s titled “Transgender TV Star: ‘If A Woman Has A Penis, Her Penis Is A Biologically Female Penis.'”
Biology, identity, and attraction appear to be a particular topic of interest on his part. For your education, here’s a January Twitter exchange including Indya and Grey’s Anatomy actress Sara Ramirez spotlighted by Pride.com for the purpose of sexual enlightenment:
If you are attracted to women You are attracted to trans women. Whether you are proud of that or not.
Being attracted to trans women does not make you gay because trans women are not men. If trans women were men, woman attracted men would not be attracted to trans women.— INDYA (@IndyaMoore) January 14, 2019
If he is attracted to a trans woman who happens to have a penis it does not make him bi because she is still a woman nor less regardless of her sex parts. You are not weird just ignorant and forgiven. sexuality doesn’t change w a trans womans ability/ desire to have vaginoplasty. https://t.co/MK3CF6E1SF
— INDYA (@IndyaMoore) January 14, 2019
I will also add that if he’s attracted to his own gender AS WELL AS other genders different from his own, or to folks regardless of gender, then he is “non-monosexual” or “bisexual” or “pansexual” or “fluid” or “queer”. 🙂
— Sara Ramirez (@SaraRamirez) January 15, 2019
i’m honestly asking, how is a person pansexual as well as bisexual. i’ve always wondered this.. when you have said it in the past
— bæli (@divaslcment) January 15, 2019
Bisexual only accounts for two binaries and sort of erases all genders in between
— INDYA (@IndyaMoore) January 15, 2019
Imma step in here. Friendly reminder that bi+ activists have evolved the definition & it no longer limits “attraction to 2”. It now means “attracted to my own gender & genders that aren’t my own (“more than 1”) which includes trans/non binary folks.
— Sara Ramirez (@SaraRamirez) January 16, 2019
“Bisexual Plus” is a new term some folks are using to include all non-monosexuals who may prefer a diff term. “Pansexual” was a term recently reclaimed by a trans woman of color to avoid bi-antagonism & bi-phobia ontop of transphobia.We create division if we’re not aware of this.
— Sara Ramirez (@SaraRamirez) January 16, 2019
See 3 more pieces from me:
#FurtherFail: Jim Acosta Says He Regrets The News Media Isn’t More United Against Trump
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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