Two Hollywood actors are dating. Could it lead to marriage? They seem to believe it may.
But one thing it won’t lead to — any time soon — is their parents meeting.
And why? Because hers are Democrats and his are of the Ronald Reagan sort.
Oh no!
Better not put ’em in the same room.
Modern Family star Sarah Hyland and her boyfriend, Bachelor in Paradise’s Wells Adams, are from different sides of the tracks. I mean, just the aisle.
And that makes a family get-together a no-go.
34-year-old Wells explained on his Your Favorite Thing podcast:
“My parents haven’t met Sarah‘s parents and for good reason. They both fall on opposite sides of the political spectrum and I’m just sure someone’s going to get into a fight about something.”
He hasn’t proposed to his 28-year-old sweetheart yet, and he says wedding bells are the only way the twain shall ever meet.
“They are going to hang out one time and it’s going to be at the wedding and the directive is no one is allowed to talk about politics.”
This is, in a word, pathetic.
I don’t mean Sarah and Well’s relationship. I don’t even mean their particular policy.
I mean the world in which we live. The America we currently have.
The lack of civility and respect permeating our nation (here and here).
The atmosphere that would lead Wells and Sarah to their conclusion.
Years ago, people didn’t brawl about politics as much as disagree.
But George W. Bush’s presidency brought Satan bumper stickers. Obama’s saw non-supporters labeled racist. And Trump’s era christened The Great Unfriending — on social media, and even within families.
Just pitiful.
If politics divide us, we’re sunk. We need a lot more of this.
And here’s the reality: Politics is the battle that never ends. Republicans are never going to win. Neither are Democrats. Each day is a new fight. And if you hang your associations on the idea of one day the world coming together on policy, you’re wastin’ your time. We have to learn how to disagree, and at the same time, get along. Be amicable. Respectful. Understanding. Civil.
Life’s too short to stay on separates sides.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Maxine Waters Spills Out ‘Impeachment! Impeachment! Impeachment! Impeachment! Impeachment!’
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