On Meet the Press Sunday, a poll was referenced that didn’t exactly compliment Bernie Sanders fans.
According to the study, the less you know, the more likely you are to go for Rich Uncle Bernie.
Host Chuck Todd pointed out:
“The less you are paying attention, the more likely you are a Bernie Sanders supporter.”
As per the host, Bernie’s “getting squeezed by two sides.” Joe Biden and Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren are makin’ making progress, while Bern “seems to be a candidate, all of a sudden, trying to get traction again.”
Watch the reveal:
WATCH: Poll shows the less you pay attention, the more likely you are to support Sanders #MTP #IfitsSunday
Bernie Sanders is not the "hot new kid anymore," @yamiche says pic.twitter.com/faUAnrbfuT
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) May 26, 2019
The “low information” part doesn’t surprise me; if I had to guess, his supporters have probably trended younger, aka less knowledgeable. And I’m of the opinion that most people who favor socialism don’t know the meaning of…socialism.
But those feelin’ the Bern didn’t much appreciate NBC’s put-down, and they made it known on social media:
“It is obvious that Chuck Todd and others at NBC (owned by corporate Comcast) are Biden supporters. They are afraid of Bernie. They constantly try to spin things against Bernie.”
It is obvious that Chuck Todd and others at NBC (owned by corporate Comcast) are Biden supporters. They are afraid of Bernie. They constantly try to spin things against Bernie. https://t.co/eiWbAmDpKX
— Jill Holler (@JillHoller1) May 26, 2019
They’re afraid!
And the whole thing’s stupid:
“This is just stupid. Perhaps those who support
@BernieSanders don’t need to pay attention to your daily MSM driveling because they know he’s been consistent on POLICY for years and years.”
This is just stupid. Perhaps those who support @BernieSanders don’t need to pay attention to your daily MSM driveling because they know he’s been consistent on POLICY for years and years. 😳 https://t.co/Vb7rkFT8Tk
— #DemExit Hippie🌹 (@mapersinger) May 26, 2019
Rural Hippie is right — Bernie does seem fairly consistent. And I’ll give him this: When nobody else was socialisting quite like he, he was a real maverick, saying things that would hurt his chances of ever getting elected as president.
One tweeter thinks all this poll stuff is just anti-Bernie baloney:
“So, the less you consume anti-Bernie propaganda, the more likely you are to support him? I hope someone got paid a lot of money to uncover that gem.”
So, the less you consume anti-Bernie propaganda, the more likely you are to support him? I hope someone got paid a lot of money to uncover that gem. https://t.co/wUblLser34
— Anomaly 🌹 🌻 (@spatial_anomaly) May 26, 2019
I can see why followers of the man who appears to have never owned a comb would be sensitive to attacks and fearful of conspiracy — Hillary Clinton reportedly scammed her way into the Democratic nomination, unceremoniously elbowing-out ol’ Bern for 2016.
Now, of course, Hillary travels the world telling people victory was ripped from her (see here).
Actually, that’s another thing I’ll give to the White Haired Socialist of Government Street: When he lost, he didn’t spend the next few years humiliating himself by crying foul — even though, purportedly, he was robbed.
Bernie’s looking to the future, which is wise. And 2020’s definitely a blank canvass. There’s a whole lot of time left, and a whole lot of news cycles. And plenty of ways for every candidate — including Trump — to really mess up.
Stay tuned.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Man Is Gagged By Court, Condemned For ‘Family Violence’ For Refusing To Call His Daughter A Boy
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