Why must chicken be so controversial?
Whatever the reason, it is. Therefore, lawmakers in Texas have voted Yes on the “Save Chick-fil-A” bill.
The legislation — passed by the Republican-controlled House Monday — prohibits the government from taking “any adverse action” against any contractor, person, or company due to their religious beliefs.
Republican state Rep. Matt Krause told The Daily Caller it’s a First Amendment issue:
“[The bill] strengthens and reaffirms Texas’s First Amendment rights. We had seen instances around the country where individuals were starting to be penalized…for what they believed or who they associated with. I thought that this started a very dangerous precedent and wanted to make sure that Texas didn’t go down that road.”
Matt sponsored the bill, which was temporarily killed by a “procedural trick” courtesy of Democratic Rep. Julie Johnson and the LGBTQ Caucus earlier this month.
At the time, House Dem Celia Israel had this to say:
“It’s been cloaked in religious freedom, but the genesis, the nexus of this bill, is in hatred.”
Personally, I find talk of “hate” by government where liberty is concerned disturbing. We’re supposed to have freedom to believe as we choose and — within the confines of a very forgiving moral restraint — act accordingly. When legislators reference emotional concepts as reasons to allow or prohibit movement, we’ve wandered from our constitutional idea of freedom.
Following the block in May, the Senate passed a softer version on May 16th. Monday’s House victory was won 79 to 62, nearly perfectly along party lines.
And why’s it even needed? Well, in March, San Antonio banned the fast food franchise from its airport because of its “legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior,” as per Councilman Roberto Treviño.
The Daily Caller noted some of that “anti” activity:
Chick-fil-A reportedly donated in 2017 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, The Salvation Army and Paul Anderson Youth Home, among other groups. These organizations have been accused by some as being anti-LGBTQ.
Even so, despite some very sharp attacks, the most delicious and polite fast food place on earth (I make an exception for In-N-Out) has proved its the Little Chicken That Could (here, here, here, and here).
As for SB 1978 as it passed Monday, the House made changes which the Senate must approve; if they do, the bill’s fate will lie in the hands of Governor Greg Abbott.
No one knows for sure if he’ll sign it, but I stumbled upon this subtle hint:
So. What are the odds I’ll sign the Chick-fil-A bill?
I’ll let you know after dinner.
@ChickfilA #txlege pic.twitter.com/xKS3vDV4gS
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) May 21, 2019
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