On Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi made a pledge…
…that was ridiculous.
Referring to the potential outcome of the 2020 election — which is to say, the possibility that Trump may be re-elected — she laid out this number. At New York’s Cornell Club:
“Oh, I think we have to respect the vote of the people.”
“We,” being Democrats.
Then she went a little The Secret on us:
“Winning an election is a decision. You decide you’re going to win, and therefore, you make every decision in favor of winning.”
So they decided to lose last time?
Regardless, Nancy said Democrats are all about respecting the vote:
“We respect the vote of the people. I’m not sure that President Trump would have respected the vote of the [2018] election if we had won by a few seats, by a few votes — he would have challenged the whatever it is.”
Here it comes. Buckle up:
“But that’s not who we are.”
You heard that right, folks: The congressional leader of the Democrats — a group of people who have, for over two years, relentlessly protested the results of a presidential election — just said they are a group of people who don’t protest the results of a presidential election.
Let’s review:
And there’s also this:
And…hmmm…hold on…I’m riflin’ through my walk-in closet of examples…okay, this:
And holy cow, this:
A short two-minute video for those of you in the media pitifully insisting that no media reckoning is needed and journalists performed beautifully, soberly and responsibly throughout this whole saga: pic.twitter.com/PF5s2kTcYA
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 25, 2019
Yeah. That sounds like who they aren’t.
Good one, Nance.
See 3 more pieces from me:
WATCH: Tucker Carlson Rips ‘Eunuch’ Brian Stelter To Absolute Shreds
‘FIRING SQUAD’: NEW GRAPHIC Bodycam Footage Of Cops Shooting Man Asleep In His Car Sparks Outrage
Find all my RedState work here.
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