Moore to the Point - It's Not Us, It's You

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

The traditional way to let someone down easy when taking your leave of them is to assure them it's not them — it's you. I don't know how often that actually brings solace to the one being rejected, but it at least reflects an effort to spare their feelings. 


What about those times, though, when it really is them — and really is them in a way that might warrant some reflection and adjustment of behavior and/or attitude? I started thinking about that after reading a recent article from my colleague, Bob Hoge. 

WH Blames Biden's Stunning Unpopularity on… COVID and Russia. Maybe Voters Just Don't Like Him?

In it, Bob recounted White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's feeble attempt at deflecting blame from the Biden administration for the president's abysmal polling numbers. You see, folks, it was the pandemic. And Vladimir Putin. It's their fault. Joe Biden's been in office for three-and-a-half years, but it has nothing to do with his policies. Crises follow Biden like a dust cloud follows PigPen, but none of them are his fault. The buck never stops with Joe Biden. 

Perhaps it's time to quit enabling him. 

November is still several months off, but rather than letting him down easy, it's well past time for voters to send Biden packing in no uncertain terms: "It's not us, Joe — it's you." 

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, May 20th. Audio included below.


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